From Crisis to Christ

Harvesting 1 Million Souls

What We Do

Iran Alive uses modern technology to share the Gospel, train believers, and fuel a discipleship-making movement.

Broadcasting THE Gospel 24/7 across the Middle East

We broadcast life-giving, Gospel-centric messages 24/7 to some of the darkest regions of the world, spreading the love of Christ to oppressed Islamic-run Iran.

Pastoring an online church of 1 million+ Iranians

Where it is illegal to gather for a Christian church service, We provide live church services, fellowship, and discipleship for the underground church in Iran.

Training Christian Leaders in Iran

With 24/7 prayer counselors, leadership training school, Bible smuggling, NetxGen, children outreach, and more, we support the spiritual awakening movement of God in Iran.

Watch what God is doing in Iran!

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In his book, Dr. Shariat brings to life his remarkable journey out of Islam into freedom in Christ and outlines strategies to reach the Middle East with the Gospel.

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