In Iran today, under the shadows cast by political unrest and societal pressure, there’s a silent epidemic sweeping through its youth. A staggering number of young people, particularly omen, hang on the brink of despair. Longing for relief, hearts are lured by an evil false promise– suicide. The reality is chilling.
In the middle of this crisis, Iran Alive Ministries is reaching the younger generation by leveraging digital platforms like satellite broadcasts and social media to share a message of love and transformation. As young people are taking their lives, reaching the unreached has never been more crucial. And an entire generation of Iranian young people are responding. Your prayers and support are turning despair into hope. You are binding broken hearts, proclaiming freedom to captives, and releasing prisoners from darkness.
The Gospel’s influence in Iran is rampant. The Church is expanding rapidly, outpacing growth in any other region, despite the absence of traditional church buildings. Iran Alive leverages cutting-edge technology to share the Gospel, cultivate believers, and ignite a disciple-making movement. Our leaders are embracing hundreds of new believers weekly, as God’s work transforms Iran into a Christian nation, one soul at a time.
As a member of the Iran Alive community you are rescuing young people like Susan. Her story is a testament to the power of faith and the ministry’s impact. Once sinking into darkness, Susan found light and purpose through our outreach, her story epitomizing the hope we aim to bring to many.
Descent into Darkness
Lying in the bathtub, everything around me was red from my self-inflicted wounds. It was over. There would be no more abuse; no more tears; no more grief; no more pain. Surely, peace was coming soon. My eyes slowly closed, and my world went dark…
An Unsuccessful Attempt
I thought death had come to me. But I found myself in a hospital bed with my sister standing over me, crying and saying, “Are you crazy? Why would you want to kill yourself? Why would you want to leave me? Do we have anyone else other than God? Why would you do this?” I couldn’t believe I was hearing these words. I thought I had ended this misery, so I didn’t respond. I just stared mindlessly at the ceiling of the room.
The Lonely Ride Home
Shortly after being discharged from the hospital, my sister and her husband were driving me to their home. Through tears, my sister expressed her fear of losing me, given our parents’ death in an accident. It was then that her husband cruelly suggested that my disappearance would go unnoticed, likening me to a stray dog.
His words pierced me, unleashing my pent-up silence and pain. I cried out, ‘Yes, wouldn’t it be good for you because there would be no witness to tell everyone that my own brother-in-law raped me three times?!’
HE WAS MY ABUSER!! His rage was met with my sister’s accusatory silence, which quickly turned to anger directed at me, blaming me for the accusations against her husband Her betrayal was crushing; I demanded to be let out of the car. As the car rolled to a stop, I escaped, leaving behind their devastating words and accusations.
Contemplating the End, Finding a New Beginning
Crying in deep despair, I wandered over to a busy street, contemplating suicide again. I sat in a dark corner of an alley where no one could see me and continued to weep and wrestle with the void in my life and how to escape the pain.
A Message of Hope
Months before this moment, I was scrolling on Instagram, I came across a video from Shabakeh 7 (the name of Iran Alive’s Satellite channel). I went on their Instagram page, watched a few more videos, liked a few of their posts, and began following them. That day, the strangest thing happened. What were the odds that I would randomly receive a private message from Shabakeh 7 that day? When I hit on my notification bell to see what the message was about, here is what it read, “If you think no one loves you and you feel that no one cares about you, watch this video.” Had they read my mind?! No one has ever loved me; no one ever cared for me; no one wanted me; everyone dug at me and took advantage of me all they wanted. I was a filthy, worthless rag that no one wanted. But when I heard the message, it spoke deeply to my heart… It saved my life!
Healing and Forgiveness
As Pastor Hormoz was speaking in that video of God’s love for His children, I found my soul was healing in that very moment. Something supernatural was happening to me. I began sobbing from the depths of my soul, and I cried to Father God, “Thank You for being here with me; thank You for loving me!” After I calmed down, I replied to the message and thanked them for the timely post. I said, “I needed to hear these words today, thank you for sending this to me. Something terrible could have happened to me if I didn’t hear this message today.”
A New Family, A New Faith
Within minutes, one of the counselors called me. She was concerned about me and wanted to talk with me and pray for me. I told her my whole life story, my pain, the abuse, the suicide attempt, and we prayed that day. My heart was so encouraged after talking to her. That night, I went back to my grandmother’s house and the family welcomed me with open arms and invited me to stay with them forever. Gratefully, I accepted.
Reconciliation and Renewal
A few days later, my sister came to see me, carrying a bouquet of flowers. She explained that her husband had confessed to his infidelity, and she decided to leave him. She apologized for her words and her behavior, asking me to please forgive her, which I did.
Full Circle
Today, my sister and I are both following Christ through the ministry of Shabakeh 7. We are so grateful for your outreach to the hurting and brokenhearted, the lost, and to so many just like me who believe suicide is the only option. We have begun the Healing and Freedom courses they offer, and are growing in our faith daily. My sister and I are moving forward with our new life in Jesus Christ. Not only has my sister come to faith, but so has our grandmother! And God has even given me a ministry to reach girls who have been wounded, raped (sadly, in Iran, rape and sexual abuse is common, even close family members commit this heinous act), and rejected. All Glory to Him!
The journey of Susan, alongside the transformation of her sister and grandmother, shows the impact you are having in Iran– magnifying Christ’s love.
This ripple effect, initiated by a single, timely intervention on social media, embodies the essence of the parable of the sower from Matthew 13. Just as the sower’s seeds flourish and multiply when sown on fertile ground, so too does the seed of the Gospel we plant together, aiming to yield a harvest beyond measure. Susan’s story is a testament to this: from the brink of despair to leading a ministry that reaches out to others in pain, her life now reflects the boundless grace and redemption offered through faith.
As we reflect on these miracles of faith and healing, we are reminded of the critical role you play in this divine narrative. Your generosity and prayers prepare the soil allowing seeds of hope
and transformation to take root and flourish. Thus, we invite you to continue, or perhaps begin, your support of this life-changing work.
Together, we can extend the reach of God’s love, ensuring that more lives like Susan’s—marked by pain and despair—are touched by the healing power of the Gospel. Your contributions help to sow seeds that will multiply thirty, sixty, and a hundred times, creating a legacy of faith and a brighter future for generations to come.
Dr. Hormoz Shariat
Iran Alive Ministries
P.S. please consider investing in the next generation in Iran. Your gift fights a dark spirit of suicide, and allows young people to experience Gospel transformation.
Pray for Iranian hearts, especially the youth, to embrace the Gospel message with openness and receptivity, breaking through barriers of despair and disillusionment, leading to relationships with Christ.
Pray for the protection and strength of those boldly sharing their faith amidst political unrest and societal pressures, asking for God’s endurance and steadfastness for believers facing persecution.
Lift up individuals and families like Susan’s, touched by ministry, praying for healing from emotional, physical, and spiritual wounds and for God’s comforting presence to bring restoration and peace.
Pray for guidance, creativity, and discernment for ministry workers like those in Iran Alive Ministries, along with encouragement, strength, and protection amidst challenges and opposition.
Pray for a movement of Christ’s love to spread throughout Iran, resulting in a growing number of people coming to know Jesus, multiplying disciples, leaders, and churches committed to living out and spreading the Gospel both locally and globally.